Golden Globes 2012 : with Ricky Gervais

Sunday, January 15, 2012
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Ever watch an awards show for hours, waiting for something interesting to happen, only to be disappointed? And even more disappointed because you knew that would happen?

In any case, it's safe to say that Ricky Gervais will at least appear to have some fun as host of the

Golden Globes

 tonight. Whether or not this will relieve boredom is yet to be seen.

Golden Globes 2012 : with Ricky Gervais

Gervais, a Globe winner for "The Office" in 2004, has hosted the awards ceremony for the past two years. Last year he was rumored to have angered the Hollywood Foreign Press, some actors, or both, and has said/joked that he only returned as host because of the idea that he wouldn't be asked back. The British comedian is known for braising Hollywood stars while they squirm in their seats, chuckle, or over-laugh to make it seem as though they're not too offended when the camera zooms in for a reaction.

It's a style Robert Downey Jr. facetiously called "hugely mean-spirited with mildly sinister undertones" at last year's Globes, when Gervais squarely placed Johnny Depp, Angelina Jolie and their panned-yet-nominated movie "The Tourist" on his dartboard. Also targeted were the "mature" ladies of "Sex and the City 2" ("I saw one of you in an episode of 'Bonanza'!") and Bruce Willis, who Gervais introduced as "Ashton Kutcher's dad." As for Downey Jr., Gervais began by listing the actor's movies, then said most would know him better from stints at "the Betty Ford clinic and Los Angeles County Jail."

Like most of the other stuff, not a stretch. (Except Kim Cattrall's first IMDB credit was for 1975. "Bonanza" ended in 1973.)

"What can I say about our next two presenters?" began Gervais, introducing two more actors. "The first is an actor, producer, writer and director whose movies have grossed over $3 and a half billion at the box office. He's won two Academy Awards and three

 Golden Globes

 for his powerful and varied performances, starring in such films as 'Philadelphia,' 'Forrest Gump,' 'Castaway,' 'Apollo 13' and 'Saving Private Ryan.' The other ... is Tim Allen."

Come back to see how Gervais fares this year. We'll be live-blogging his jokes starting at 8 p.m., when the NBC broadcast begins, from opening monologue through goodnight salute.


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